Shopify create template
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How to create a custom Shopify template

Discover how to set up your development environment and create a new Shopify template starting from a reference template, Dawn.

How to create a custom Shopify template

If you're thinking of creating an online store on Shopify, you need a theme for your website. There are many pre-designed themes available, but if you want to create a custom website, you can create a custom Shopify template. In this article, we'll show you how to create and properly set up a new custom theme for your online store on Shopify.

Step 1: Create a new theme

To create a new custom theme, you need to access the "Themes" section of your Shopify account and select "Create a new theme". Then, you need to choose whether you want to create a theme "From scratch" or use an existing theme as a base for your creation. If you want to start from scratch, select "Build from scratch".

Step 2: Add sections to your theme

After creating your new theme, you need to start adding the sections that make it up. A section is a content unit that you can use to create the layout of your theme. Shopify provides several pre-defined sections, such as Header, Footer, Collection, and Product. You can also create your own custom sections.

Step 3: Edit your theme code

To edit your theme code, you need to select "Actions" and then "Edit Code". Here you will find all the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code files that make up your theme. You can edit these files to customize your theme.

Step 4: Customize your theme

To further customize your theme, you can use Shopify's theme editor. Here you can edit the color, font style, background image, and other aspects of your theme. Additionally, you can use Shopify apps to add functionality to your online store.

Step 5: Test your theme

Before publishing your theme, make sure to test it on all devices and browsers. Verify that the website is responsive and that the layout is consistent. Additionally, make sure that all the features of your theme work properly.


Creating a custom theme on Shopify can take time and effort, but the end result will be a unique and professional online store. Follow these steps to create and properly set up a new custom theme for your online store on Shopify.

Remember that Shopify offers many tools and resources to help you create your online store. If you need help, don't hesitate to contact Shopify customer support.